Legislative Days 30 and 31 were relatively quiet and routine. The House Education Committee met and moved several Senate bills forward.
SB 88 – One of two of Governor Kemp’s teacher pipeline bills was unanimously voted through.
SB 106 – Before expelling or suspending pre-k through 3rd grade students for more than 5 days local districts are encouraged to utilize wraparound services to address issues. (Is being held for continued work)
SB 159 – Permits districts to opt in for use of alternate transportation to use vehicles with a capacity of 8 passengers or less. Vehicle must be appropriately marked as a school district vehicle transporting students. (Passed)
SB 220 – Georgia Civics Renewal Act (Passed)
Our next challenge will be SB 47 and its expansion of the current special needs voucher. It is loosely written to include Section 504 students. Please remain vigilant as we prepare to push back on this clear expansion which is a constant strategy of the voucher believers. With 9 days remaining in the session it is expected to reappear at any time.
Update on the FY22 Budget: The Senate has begun its work in earnest by holding department hearings and from these hearings a Senate version will likely emerge next week. We are tracking its progress.
Since… what is labeled the American Relief/Rescue Act signed by President Biden Thursday afternoon, Cares III funding will be using similar regulations for its distribution of a robust 4.25 billion dollars to K-12 education in Georgia. As usual, the details are to be communicated by GADOE.
GSSA News:
Reminder: Nomination deadline for President’s Award is March 19, 2021. Send all nominations to jzauner@gssaweb.com
Spring Bootstrap Conference April 21-22, 2021, in Savannah. Register online at www.gssaweb.org. Conference keynote speaker is confirmed…..it is John Maxwell a internationally sought after author, writer, and speaker on leadership. Our conference theme is Steadily Leading in an Uncertain Environment.
Legislative session resumes Monday, March 15, 2021. It will be day 32.
Quote: The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis.
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