Today clicked off legislative day 13. It was Dyslexia Day at the Capitol and many supporters crowded the halls of the Capitol. Very little action on the education side except for a few mostly favorable bills:
SB 105 – Senator Larry Walker – introduced this bill on the floor of the Senate to increase the benefits for Public Schools Retirement System (PSERS) which covers bus drivers, custodians, maintenance personnel, and food service workers. The increase goes from $16.50 to $17.00 per creditable year of service and removes cap to free up the board of trustees to adjust benefits as the environment dictates. The bill passed on the floor of the Senate 49-1. It will move to the House side for their consideration.
HB 982– Governor’s Floor Leader Rep. Mathew Gambill brought the bill forward to address the Workforce Development Commission and its desire to push forward the regional specific workforce development in concert with TCSG. It will identify a High Demand Career List of the state’s most needed workforce by region. After some discussion it passed out of the Higher Education Committee unanimously. It moves forward.
HB 970 – Chairman and Rep. Dickey presented a sensitive bill that allows victims of human trafficking to be eligible for the popular REACH program. (Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen) This generated some tense discussion but it ultimately passed out of the Higher Ed Committee unanimously. It moves to House Rules.
SB 406 – Senator and Chairman Clint Dixon presents a bill to mandate first responders mapping in schools. This bill addresses electronic mapping of floor plans to forge an even deeper partnership between local schools and first responders. The cost was revealed to be an estimated to be $3500 per school. It passes the Public Safety Committee easily. Moves forward to Senate Rules.
Tomorrow will be day 14 and it will complete the week for our state legislature. I will be back tomorrow. Have a good evening!
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